
Around 99% of popcorn grown is the yellow variety. Theaters and most commercial users of popcorn use yellow. It pops bigger and looks better in the popping machine. It also pops to a more sturdy flake so it stands up to flavoring better. Another positive with yellow is that it tends to be easier to grow and harvest. With per acre yield tending to be twice that of white.

It is generally believed that yellow popping corn has more flavor to it. But after we put butter or sugar or both on it that point is moot. Another plus for yellow popping corn is that it’s a source of vitamin A. Carotene, the source of the yellow color in yellow popcorn is also found in carrots. There really is a difference between yellow and white popcorn, send your non-believers over here and we will inform them.
Taste the Difference Yourself
We are offering special FIT-POP Yellow & White Popcorn tasting packages, so you can try both and decide which you like the best. We have two tasting packages: Small with a two pound bag of Yellow and a two pound bag of white delivered by USPS Priority, or Large with a Case containing 12 two pound bags (6 yellow & 6 white) delivered by economy shipping.